Everybody involved in local marketing uses Craigslist or any other local ads and classified ads website. Using any classified ads website for a long period of time will show the limits of this marketing strategy. Anybody using classified ads websites for marketing knows how difficult it is to reach a larger audience. For most items, the marketing scaling capabilities are too limited to be considered efficient. However, for the same items or product categories, one can bypass these limits by using Craigslist proxies. These proxies can be used on Craigslist or on any other classified ads website. However, anybody using them or looking to use them needs to know a few things on how to use these proxies efficiently. In this article, we are not going to focus on the technical aspects of using proxies, but more on the organza toric tasks necessary for Craigslist proxies and ad posting management to work.
Craigslist proxies or any other classified ad proxy is used in a simple and straight forward way. The marketer uses the proxy to divert its traffic through the server’s IP, spoof its geolocation and post a classified ad on Craigslist. These are the steps that almost anybody follows in using a classified ad proxy.
The tasks of posting through proxies are simple. And the end result is one classified ad. However, the power of classified ads or Craigslist proxies relies on their scalability. If for each proxy, an ad can be posted, the user can increase its number of proxies, thus increasing the number of ads he can post.
In addition, Craigslist proxies are used instead of other proxies because they are location specific. Because other proxy packages, when purchased, will offer proxies allocated from multiple locations across the United States. But Craigslist proxies offer the option to choose the proxies’ IP locations. For example, for 10 Craigslist proxies, the user will receive 10 IPs from a given location.
While the benefits and power Craigslist proxies leverage are clear, there are a few tasks which proxy users neglect. These tasks are not technical, they are administrative tasks. But, by not completing them, the advantages of Craigslist proxies and their returns are limited. Therefore, let’s see which administrative tasks a user must complete when using classified ads proxies.
Does not sound smart, but most users will look to buy the cheapest proxies available instead of buying Craigslist proxies. While they might save some money on their proxies, their returns will be limited because cheap shared proxies could be banned on Craigslist or they will be allocated in another geographical area. However, these issues will not be encountered if the user will buy guaranteed working proxies for Craigslist.
Another issue faced by proxy users is the lack of research performed before buying Craigslist proxies. They usually jump head forward, ignoring how big or small a market or product category is. And they end up with proxies for which they have no use because the product category is too small and limits the number of ads one can post.
This is a simple task ignored by most Craigslist proxies users. Proxies offer the opportunity of testing ad copy and running split tests. However, not many Craigslist proxies leverage this capability. The general recommendation is to test ad copy to find the ad copy that resonates with the buyers.
While the above tasks are ignored by some proxies users, this task is ignored by most Craigslist proxy users. Yet, is the one that can damage both the marketing operation and the user’s bottom line.
Without documenting how Craigslist proxies are used, one risk getting his proxies blocked and the same time all his ads removed from the classified ads platform. And this ban can result in financial losses. Therefore, the only recommendation that can be offered is to create a spreadsheet and monitor all the activity around Craigslist proxies. This spreadsheet should contain the proxies’ IPs, ad copy and the pictures used. In this way, it is easy to monitor through which proxy an ad has been advertised.
Craiglist proxy use is simple and straight forward. However, by not paying attention to the administrative tasks, one can limit the advantages and opportunities offered by Craigslist proxies. Moreover, due to weak management, a Craigslist proxy user is at risk of getting his classifieds ads banned and proxies blocked.
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