At the moment, Instagram is one of the most engaging social platforms. By using private proxies and automation tools, you will be able to generate returns on your social media engagement.
No matter what social media automation tool you are using, for a smooth marketing campaign, you have to use private proxies for this software. Either you are going for cheap shared proxies or elite proxies, they are an essential part of your operation.
In order to run this marketing strategy, you have to buy private proxies for your marketing tools. With the help of private proxy servers, you will be able to increase the reach of your accounts.
There are certain aspects you have to consider before you start using private proxies with your marketing software.
You have to decide on the number of accounts you are going to run. We are not talking about spamming. Please note, this is not about spamming. This step is about finding the most relevant number of accounts that you can run with your social media software through private proxy servers.
No matter if you decide to run 6 accounts or 15, for your accounts’ safety, you can go for cheap dedicated proxy or for elite proxies.
For your automation tool, there are plenty of options, from Mass Planner, FollowAdder to Hootsuite. All of them need the best private proxy in order to be safe and protect your accounts’ privacy.
You have decided on the number of accounts, the automation tool and the type of proxies used. Now is the time when the strength of private proxies will come into play.
By running multiple accounts through a dedicated proxy, you have to opportunity to choose on what niche to focus. With the help of you private proxies, you can run each account on a different niche to see which one gets the most engagement. It is worth remembering that each account should be based on a developed buyer persona.
After a time you will notice divergences between your accounts’ engagement levels. At this time, you have to choose which niche you should focus on. This divergence between engagements is normal, as not every niche is equal.
The next step, once the niche is selected, is to re-purpose your other accounts and start building a follower base on your niche. All this is leading to one of the most important factors of your marketing. Your content.
As mentioned, you should develop multiple accounts to expand your reach by offering relevant content for your audience. Do not spam them with irrelevant offers.
Once you selected your niche and re-purposed the accounts, with the help of social media proxies you can again test and see which type of content is the most engaging for your users.
At this stage, through your automated tools and dedicated or elite proxies, your accounts should offer the opportunity to monetize on your audience.
When it comes to running with multiple accounts on private proxy servers, your social media campaign can use different forms of monetizations.
A very popular way of monetizing is through the so-called shoutouts. These are campaigns in which you promote other accounts or brands. If your social media accounts are all targeted at sub-niches of the same niche, you can promote shoutouts from your niche.
Another way to monetize if you are running multiple accounts on private proxies, is through Ogads. An affiliate marketing network promoting mobile apps.
Apart from shoutouts, this form of monetization can bring a consistent revenue.
This method is using you accounts as distribution channels for your website. Develop accounts with automation tools and private proxies related to your website niche. By integrating a link into your account’s bio, you can direct traffic to your website straight from Instagram.
With this method you have the most flexibility. You can promote a landing page, sell products, collect emails or test pricing models.
Instagram is one of the best social media platforms to market your products. By using different accounts through automation tools and dedicated proxy servers, you can expand your reach.
Buy private proxies, as they will help you reach a large audience for your business.
Before you integrate your marketing tools on private proxies, you have to consider your buyer personas, the niche and the content that have to be develop for your accounts.
Once the most engaging niche is identified, re-purpose your other accounts and build a following. Establish your following and start monetizing.
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