Every marketer that bought private proxies and used them for social media automation can approve the following. No matter your platform, setup, niche or the number of accounts, after you buy proxies and start automating accounts, the engagement rate starts to decline.
Depending on your niche, after you buy proxies and automate accounts, the engagement rate might fall a few percentages or a few tens of percentages.
A beginner in social media marketing might consider quitting and looking for other ways of creating engagement and generating traffic for their websites. However, a savvy marketer might start looking for ways to ‘get out of the slump’, to create more content, or simply find a way to boost engagement.
For those savvy marketers, who lack resources to create extra content, there is a tool that can be used with automated accounts. Basically, with this tool, called Quuu, after you buy proxies and start automating accounts, the engagement factor stops being a stress factor. Without further ado, let’s see how you, the savvy marketer can use Quuu after you buy proxies.
Social media examiner states that Quuu helps solve social media engagement by offering ‘hand-curating relevant content’ for your niche.
In other words, you subscribe to Quuu to receive a hank picked list of relevant social media posts that you can then share on your accounts. Thus, creating the desired engagement.
One might ask why you should buy proxies. If you subscribed to Quuu, why should you consider proxies and social media marketing? The answer comes in the following part.
This social media tool might solve the engagement problem for your social media marketing efforts. But it will not solve the content distribution problem.
In other words, you still need a way to spread your content and offers in order to generate traffic for your website.
Therefore, you have to buy proxies and used them to automate accounts through which to spread your offers. And then use Quuu to spread content created by others in order to boost engagement.
An account creating social media posts only about its offers, with the intent to boost sales, looks like spam. It loses credibility and over time it sales and click-through-rate towards its offers decreases drastically.
Moreover, every content marketer specialized in social media marketing says that to boost engagement and click-through rate towards your sales pages you need to post relevant engagement from your niche.
Therefore, you should use the 4-2-2 content strategy. Which states that you should post 4 posts from authority websites in your niche, 2 posts from your content and the last 2 posts from your sales and promotions.
In this way, you create the authority status that every Internet Marketer is craving. Now the fun parts comes into play. And the answer to the questions how to use Quuu and why you should buy proxies.
First, in order to create the authority status for your website and social media accounts, you need to find and post 4 social media posts relevant for your niche. Then create 2 pieces of content. Followed by 2 promotion posts.
As you can see, you will need Quuu to receive hand picked content from your niche and then post it in your account. In this way, this service helps you solve the content generation issue.
Following the content generation, comes the distribution part. Because, through distribution you can generate sales and profits. I think you understand that this is the part where you have to buy proxies.
Buy private proxies and used them to create a content distribution network. Use the proxies to manage and automate several accounts in your niche. And then, set all these accounts to act on a second tier level. Meaning to set them to repost the content posted by your main account.
In this way, even if you distribute a lot of content from other sources, you will achieve two goals. First, you accounts will not look like spam, and the engagement rate should be increase. Second, when you publish sales and promotions posts, the click-through rate towards yours landing pages will increase and boost your sales.
Therefore, with the help of Quuu and proxies, you solve both the content curation and creation. And with the help of proxies and social media will solve the issue of content distribution.
One might not consider Quuu as a necessary tool for social media marketing. But if you consider the time saved in browsing and curating relevant content for your social media marketing, the tool starts to look valuable. Furthermore, after you solved the content creation problem, buy proxies and solve the content distribution issue.
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